Tuesday 17 April 2012

Client Project - Feedback & Changes

On a previous version of the Bear's texture the bump mapping was a built in 'cloud bump' texture, this procedural texture mean that as my Bear moved the texture moved also. This meant that the texture moved around on the model and this was very noticeable on the close up shots.

I simply just made my own image based bump map and rendered out the scenes again eliminating the previously stated problem.

I had completely over looked giving the flask and flask lids a better texture and it was pointed out by one of my peers Jaz Worrell that I should texture the flask! So keeping it simple I just gave the flask and the lids a blinn texture with slight reflections giving them a glossy plastic look.

After the shot where the bear is revealed to these two characters I wanted an obviously relationship between them and wanted in this short clip to try and portray both individuals personalities. I wanted to swap the stereotypes and have the guy that is scared and not the girl. The feedback that I received was that although the audience can understand what I have intended, she still seems too relaxed at the sight of an angry looking and roaring bear. I remedied this by adding more a reaction from her but not as exaggerated as the males reaction. 

I have kept the final shot in which the guy is still frightened of the Bear even though it is obvious that he isnt there to harm anyone and the girl laughs off the guys worries, for this you shall have to wait until I upload the final film!

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